Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Makers fair

Two weekends ago I took part in a Maker faire in Newcastle. We yarn bombed the city and knitted neurons. Here is the journal page I made from all the bits I picked up there.

DD sent me a card for my birthday which inspired this page. You can see the card on the right hand page.

This page started as just a background but I liked it as it was and just added a few fish and a few words. I'm afraid the photo doesn't do it justice as the white bits are really silver and it just looks like an underwater scene.
I am now going to show you what started this journal off, sorry it's been a bit back to front. We went on a short break to Lincoln and I had prepared a few pages before we went away and these two pages resulted.

The final page for this post is two pages, one from the Lincoln holiday and one I did for Valentines day.

Thank you for looking I am enjoying sharing.


  1. I love your Journal and that birthday card inspired page is beautiful.

  2. Thanks to Margaret for her kind comments
